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This Reading Resource Pack was developed by researchers from the Global Justice Program at the Othering & Belonging Institute, as part of its larger project of documenting and countering Islamophobia.

Rhonda Itaoui was a Research Fellow with the Othering & Belonging Institute (formerly the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society) at the time of publication where she worked with the Global Justice program to produce research on Islamophobia and the exclusion of Muslims in the West. In addition to her appointment as a fellow, she was in her final year of a PhD program in Social Sciences at Western Sydney University in Australia, and a visiting scholar at the UC Berkeley Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project. Her international PhD fieldwork explores the relational impacts of globalized Islamophobia on the spatial mobility of young Muslims in the California Bay Area and in Sydney, Australia.

Elsadig Elsheikh is the director of the Global Justice Program at the Othering & Belonging Institute where his research focuses on the socio-political dynamics of neoliberal globalization as related to development, food systems, global forced migration, human and indigenous peoples’ rights, state and citizenship, and structural barriers to inclusivity.

Farid Hafez, Salzburg University
Anna Mansson McGinty, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Rhonda Itaoui and Elsadig Elsheikh. “Islamophobia in the United States: A Reading Resource Pack.” Othering & Belonging Institute, University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. September 2018. https://belonging.berkeley.edu/global-justice/islamophobia/resource-pac…

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